Recent Work

Flight 1549 Re-enactment
A re-enactment of the flight path of US Air Flight 1549 ("Miracle on the Hudson"). Provides a pilot's-eye view of the flight, synchronized with actual FAA radio communications. see more

Video presentation prepared for ATRA technical summit.
This is a 17 minute video highlighting a project to create an automated system to lay out and analyze large-scale PRT systems. The program uses existing GIS data to model a city's street system and travel patterns and then attempts to design the optimal PRT network at various scales. see more

In the News

Major Studies

Links to some of the most significant studies in the development of personal rapid transit:

Best Recent Works:
2007 Large-Scale PRT Feasibility Study - SkyWeb Express.
Ashine Tamhane, Master's Thesis, University of Cincinnati
This 144-page report explains in great detail a method for using GIS data to estimate ridership for a PRT network around the University of Cincinnati campus.  This ridership is then fed into a computer model in order to make projections about the cost and feasibility of PRT for this area.
Booz Allen and Hamilton, Feasibility Study for PRT in New Jersey.
Responding to a directive of the New Jersey state legislature, Booz Allen and Hamilton prepared an analysis of whether personal rapid transit is feasible in the State of New Jersey.  The study is a good overview of the technology and current efforts by the leading vendors.  It concludes that PRT is a feasible technology for transportation planning.  (Published in 2007, but prepared in 2005.)

Honorable Mentions:
2007 Ridership Estimation for Melbourne, Australia
Section 5 is the interesting section.  It describes using GIS techniques to generate ridership estimates, estimating how PRT will affect ridership on the city's rail lines.  The study also calculates pollution and fuel reduction and provides some rough valuation for those.  The author, Ray Wyatt, is an associate professor at the University of Melbourne.
2007 PRT Feasibility for the City of Santa Cruz, California.
(Full disclosure: The author of this page is the author of this report.)